Already training is teaching me to prioritize. Friday, my rest day, I cleaned and did yard work. We were having company and I wanted everything to look great. I ignored my limits and pushed myself to exhaustion. Then, I stayed up too late. Saturday I paid the price. My muscles burned. My Achilles tendon was stiff, and hurt, to the point I had to walk a few times. It hurt so much I didn't know if I'd be up for my long run today. Or any runs this week.
I chose to go to sleep early Saturday night, and slept in a little. I rested awhile Sunday afternoon. I felt better and decided I would try a run. But, I ran a three mile loop that circles a lake, ready to bail out if I hurt like yesterday, ready to accept my limits, unwilling to risk injury. I walked longer than usual. Then I ran slow for a few miles. I ran with mindfulness, watching my form and making sure I was hitting right on my foot, taking deep breaths. I felt really wonderful! Running is teaching me to make healthy choices- to sleep, drink a lot of water, eat healthy. A set training schedule is helping me stay focused, to exercise almost every day, to make time for myself. I know every run, every mile, "trials of miles and miles of trials" is important to build up to the marathon, and to run it without injury.
Running, my health, my once in a life time marathon goal, is more important to me than approval. I have limits and I will accept them. I will stop and rest when I need to. I will say no to demands, my own perfectionistic nature the most demanding of all, and accept I only have so much to give. A Life Lesson I've needed to learn for a long time.
Christmas in Tayrona
6 years ago