Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Going to the Doctors

I'm still here. Last week I was ill and didn't do anything.. except pilates last Monday. I rode my bike some Sunday night. I have gone to Pilates twice this week and feel good about that. This PF injury is still causing me a lot of grief!

So, I've been trying various things to help my PF pain. Golf balls massaging my arch, walking barefoot on gravel trails, stretching. Still, if I walk around, just doing normal daily activities, the pain at night and in the morning is excruciating. Yesterday I ran a few errands and walked with my very pregnant, due any day client who I could hardly keep up with- she walked way faster and farther than I had anticipated! Embarrassing for me, but true.

I read today that many people suffering from this say it feels like someone is stabbing them in the foot... same thing I've been telling my husband for weeks. And, it just sneaks up on you and BAM! I have a high pain tolerance but this makes me want to bawl my eyes out. Even when the pain isn't the sharp, stabbing pain it is a dull ache.

Reading more about this is a double -edged sword. I've found out that cycling can actually cause more pain/inflammation. Good to know. There goes my "safe" exercise option... the only one that seems to be recommended is swimming so I'm going to start that soon. Maybe tomorrow. Also, some stretches that are recommended are controversial- such as the calf stretch on the stairs which I find painful but have been doing thinking it would help! I found some alternative ones that feel better and I'll let that guide me.

It is kind of depressing to read the message boards about this injury. Some people have suffered for YEARS, despite cortisone shots and surgery. I am trying to focus on my belief in my body's ability to heal. It's already taken longer than I thought it would though. I thought if I stopped running for a couple weeks it would just heal up...

I'm scaling back on commitments and holiday shopping. Some things are just are not going to get done. Will has helped me realize that the only thing I haven't tried is something that is said to be very Although with the illness last week I gave it a few days!

Hopefully the doctor tomorrow will have some good advice and will get me in a "boot" to wear at night- it keeps the calf muscle stretched and the PF tendon relaxed.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"I need to open myself to the possibilities here and now"

That is what I wrote in my journal this morning. Since my husband took a different job here, after we considered moving back to Utah or closer to Utah, I have been mourning the loss of being nearer my Utah family, friends, and the mountains. In doing so, I know I've been missing out on the love all around me here. I have not really invested in many friendships here, and then I wonder why I don't feel as close to some friends here as I did in Utah. I have not actively looked for a new mountain biking gang, because I was so lost in the feeling of missing my old one. And, although I've found beautiful places here in Texas, there is always beauty in nature, I know my eyes and heart have not been completely open. Until my bike ride this afternoon!

On a whim, I detoured from my usual "mountain bike" ride along a side walk. I had rationalized this was good training for mountain biking some day. Adrenaline from cars stopping at the stop signs just the nick of time. Swerving from sidewalk, to crossing road, to sidewalk.. surprisingly you have to be a little bit aware and agile!

Anyway, I have passed a two lane dirt road every ride. I look at it and go on. Today I just took it. I've always been a little worried it was private property, so much is here. But, I saw no sign. I followed it to a place it overlooks a clear river. I stayed there for a few minutes just listening. Five minutes from the road I found a little escape. Then I noticed a little trail, off of the steep hill on my side. I sent a text to Will, as I thought someone should know my general whereabouts! And, I found a roller coaster ride, sounds of water flowing and wind in the trees and birds singing, loose rocks and loose dirt, sharp turning, stream crossing, steep inclining, crunchy fall leaf laden, challenging roots crisscrossing (where once or twice I wondered if I was headed over my handle bars), TRUE MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDE!!! WHOOO HOO. One of my favorite places to ride in Utah was a little neighborhood park, 15 minutes away at the base of the mountains. Occasionally you would see houses, but you FELT like you were away from it all. That is how I felt today.

I won't bore you with my weight training stats today:) But off I go to work my legs a little bit more!

1 hour+ (who cares!) mountain bike ride