Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Time Ride

Saturday Luke had a game so I chose not to ride the LBJ ride. Luke is doing so awesome in FB I would have been sad to miss it. They lost the one on Saturday, but Luke did wonderful. Monday night he won his first game all year! 32-6. Luke ran for 40 or 50 yards one play, sacked QB 3 times, was all over the field making tackles, ran a TD (that sadly got called back due to team mates penalty), faked out the team by pretending to get the hand off (of course, the other team had their eyes on him at this point)! He is inspiring to watch. Awesome power in tackles, fearless focus when catching the ball under coverage- knowing he's going to get hit hard, beautiful hand-eye coordination.

Okay, so this blog post really is about my ride on Sunday! Saturday during Luke's game it was close to 90 degrees. I got sun burned. Sunday I walked outside to go for my ride, and walked back in to get layers! A cold front had arrived and it was COLD! I don't know how cold. And, windy! Fun ride though. No crazy drivers, dogs, or bike repairs (though I did get Will to print me step by step instructions in case I got a flat).

It was fun to ride some of our old route, out in Pflugerville. Baby cows, Indian Paintbrush, Blue Bonnets, and pink flowers. It is very green right now with all the new growth on the trees, despite Texas being in a drought. I loved being back on the bike, out on a long(er) ride. I chickened out of Mellow Johnny's Sunday women's ride as the description is: Intermediate, 15-16 mph for 2.5- 3 hours. I think I'll be ready soon though!

Here's my stats:
25.74 Miles
1 Hr 41 minutes

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Speed Ride

Once a week I want to do a fast, intense work out. Since I needed to be in South Austin to work this morning- I decided this morning would be my fast work out!

And.. ouch! Legs are hurting tonight. Was it the pace? It wasn't much faster than Tuesday. Or, just my body getting used to the new biking routine?

Today's ride:
7.8 miles
30 minutes

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ice Skating

Well, it's warming up here in Texas. The high today is supposed to be 87 degrees. After a few weeks in Utah, it feels VERY warm to me. So, today, I went the one place I knew I could find ice and cold around here.. the ice skating rink.

Barefoot running may (or may not) have contributed to my PF injury. But, there is no doubt it has strengthened my ankles. I found this out when my Dad and step mom offered to take Amelia ice skating, something she loves to do and has taken lessons in. I decided to try to skate for a bit as well- and ended up skating for hours! Skating for a half hour used to hurt my ankles and the bottom of my calves.

Oh, and ladies- ice skating works your inner thighs! Whoo hoo!

So, while I can't run, I think I'll alternate cycling with ice skating, and some swimming. Ice skating will get to be a better aerobic work out when I can go a little faster! I'm considering looking at in-line skates/roller blades...

Exercise today:
Ice skate 30 minutes
Weights (arms)
50 crunches
25 low abs
25 each obliques

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My NEW plan!

Hello patient followers on my looong journey to a marathon. I have a new plan! I am returning to long distance cycling. I want to accomplish another century. This in and of itself is a huge challenge of endurance and fitness. But, I am using it as a springboard to run a 5k, then 10k, then half marathon, and finally a marathon. Yes, I now believe in baby steps! After a century I am always leaner and in great aerobic shape. I think then my body will handle the demands of running better.

I am also feeling so inspired! First, I saw my husband finish his first marathon! That was amazing. Second, I saw my baby sister give birth naturally to her baby- peacefully and with an amazing inner strength. This leaves me wanting to challenge myself and push the limits of what I believe I can do!

I am nervous about riding long distances by myself. But, my cycling buddy is now a runner, so I am looking for a new group to bike with. Maybe the AFWC Ladies Ride at Mellow Johnny's on Sunday mornings. I also want to attend a bike maintenance class- so I know I can fix my bike out in the middle of nowhere. Then there's the fear of being a woman all alone out in the middle of nowhere- for that I have special "lipstick". Will and I have had some scary moments- the drivers who drive way to close for comfort, and our favorite the guy who decided to change lanes in front of us into our lane, driving towards us as if he was going to hit us. Oh, and there are always the dogs that find fun in chasing a bike!

So, on my journey to a Century.. every year we have lived in TX I've wanted to ride the Annual LBJ 100. Well, it is THIS Saturday! Riding this wave of inspiration, I'm tempted to try to ride the whole 100, but as I've said in this very blog, I am now a believer in baby steps. Considering my very wimpy recent riding miles, I think the 42 is a good challenge. Tough but I'll still want to ride next week:) I've heard short, intense work outs help your body prepare for long distances... those spin classes I went to in UT with my sister should help me a lot then!!

My ride today: 15. 3 miles in 1:08. Slow pace but it was very windy!