I've had so many fun, amazing work outs lately I haven't even missed running (well, not much). I have been very grateful for the amazing bike rides and weather, the fact I can swim 3 or more laps at a time and as a huge bonus only swallow a mouth full of water rather than half the pool, and that I can do most of the pilates moves now. My PF still hurts sometimes in the mornings, more so if I walk a lot the day before. Now I know why runners say PF is like "selling a condo in a recession" and "wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy". I just can't believe how much time this is taking to heal, and I really wish I had backed off running when I felt pain and missed a few days or weeks (compared to months). Lesson learned!
January 30th Will ran his SECOND 20 miler! It was a beautiful, Spring day with temperature up close to 80 degrees. I wanted to go on an adventure, a place we hadn't been for awhile. I suggested Lost Pines; as I considered it more, I worried about the hills and asked Will if he wanted to go somewhere else. He wanted the challenge though so we drove out to one of my favorite places in Texas. The one place I've found here that smells and feels like the mountains. And, some of the hills really felt like mountains to bike ride up! One time my chain even fell off as I tried to get in a lower gear. These are steep hills! I rode ahead of Will, and then I'd circle back to give him water and snacks that I carried. One time, I went the wrong way and had to ride fast to catch up with him! The birds sounded so peaceful, the sun felt great, we both absolutely loved the first 10 miles or so. Then we turned back and realized we were getting tired. I haven't been on a long bike ride for months, and Will hasn't run hills like this before (it seemed we were either going uphill or down.. no flat). I stayed with Will for awhile. He really dug deep and I was so impressed by his strength and determination. I was tired enough he was keeping up with me on many of the hills, running while I biked! I had a couple dark moments of jealousy and sadness that, if I hadn't been injured, maybe I could be running like that now. But, mostly I was just really happy for him. I called the kids and put them on speaker and let them cheer on their Daddy a bit. Then, we decided I'd ride up ahead and get the car and come back as Will's 20 miles were going to end before we got back to the van.. and he didn't much feel like a scenic walk. I had his water though, so I tried to hurry as fast as I could. There were a few hills I greeted with swear words, one I thought was close to the end but realized that it was a different hill. I seriously contemplated hitching a ride... I got back to the car and started driving back while I ate a few oatmeal chocolate craisen cookies! I picked up Will who was walking, and even that was hurting. We got gatorade and chocolate milk ASAP. Then he wanted taco bell (yuck, punishment to that hard working body, but I thought he should have whatever sounded okay at that point). Will's muscles have been feeling a little more tired than usual during and after runs. He still has two weeks until his marathon and we're hoping they are completely recovered at that point. I think the marathon is going to feel easier to Will after this intense, self-imposed challenge!