Saturday Luke had a game so I chose not to ride the LBJ ride. Luke is doing so awesome in FB I would have been sad to miss it. They lost the one on Saturday, but Luke did wonderful. Monday night he won his first game all year! 32-6. Luke ran for 40 or 50 yards one play, sacked QB 3 times, was all over the field making tackles, ran a TD (that sadly got called back due to team mates penalty), faked out the team by pretending to get the hand off (of course, the other team had their eyes on him at this point)! He is inspiring to watch. Awesome power in tackles, fearless focus when catching the ball under coverage- knowing he's going to get hit hard, beautiful hand-eye coordination.
Okay, so this blog post really is about my ride on Sunday! Saturday during Luke's game it was close to 90 degrees. I got sun burned. Sunday I walked outside to go for my ride, and walked back in to get layers! A cold front had arrived and it was COLD! I don't know how cold. And, windy! Fun ride though. No crazy drivers, dogs, or bike repairs (though I did get Will to print me step by step instructions in case I got a flat).
It was fun to ride some of our old route, out in Pflugerville. Baby cows, Indian Paintbrush, Blue Bonnets, and pink flowers. It is very green right now with all the new growth on the trees, despite Texas being in a drought. I loved being back on the bike, out on a long(er) ride. I chickened out of Mellow Johnny's Sunday women's ride as the description is: Intermediate, 15-16 mph for 2.5- 3 hours. I think I'll be ready soon though!
Here's my stats:
25.74 Miles
1 Hr 41 minutes
Olivia turns 3!
13 years ago