Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Experience You Want and the One You Need

I tell my birth clients that they may not get the experience they want, but they will get the experience they *need*. Even if things go haywire, there are valuable lessons to learn. Sometimes it is the need to educate yourself in pregnancy, choose your birth team carefully, learn to speak up for yourself, etc.

Well, after a busy weekend and not getting a ride in, I wanted a slow, long bike ride. As it turned out, I had to focus ALL my thoughts and energy on keeping my bike on the ground! It was a blustery day, I mean the wind was literally whistling (or roaring?). I got about 8 miles in and decided to head home! Going against the wind was so difficult. I felt like I was spinning in place. When I turned and the wind was at my side, it was so scary! A couple times, gusts almost blew me off the road and I had to sharply turn to stay on the road. And, the whole time it was at my side I felt like I was wrestling my handle bars, turning them into the wind. When the wind was at my back it was SO FUN!! I was going 25 mph without working hard.

As I rode I thought this is what I needed. First of all, it was good to FOCUS just on my bike ride (and staying upright) and drown out all my other thoughts and worries. Second, the little things and worries faded away as I worried whether I was going to crash. Any brush with danger and fear makes life crystal clear, and so much of what we stress about is really unimportant and temporary, leaves to be blown away in the wind.

Estimated time (my clock kept tracking while I was driving...weird):
12 miles
1 hour

1 comment:

  1. very wise!
    I guess it can be said for motherhood too....It may not be exactly what you want some days but it is definitely the experience you need--there are constant reminders of patience, service, unconditional love, and TRUE happiness. There are some days that I wonder how Nico manages to teach me SOO much about LIFE...just by being HIMSELF????!?!?!?!?!
