Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I love my vibrams

Okay, first, if you don't know what they are check it out at

I LOVE them because I stepped in a hole in the grass today, and what would have once sent me crashing to the ground with a sprained ankle, was nothing. Well, a little sore for a few steps. I felt my foot just correct itself, flexible without a shoe, and off I went. Anyone who knows me and my weak ankles, that can sprain on a small rock, knows this is AMAZING for me! Maybe some of it is that I'm just getting stronger after weeks of running 20 or so miles a week. I'm just very happy as I feel myself get stronger and faster. I actually hit 6:54 miles/ hour on yesterday's run.. for a minute or so:)

And, now a couple warnings. If you decide to try vibrams, ease into it. A lot of us have weak feet due to the casts we call shoes. For a long time, it really burned my lower calf muscle, and Will got actual sores from the rubbing (he may need some kind of sock, or perhaps with time calluses will develop). I was also painfully slow, which is painful only because I'm already slow (about 10 or 11 minute miles depending on how far I go). I've only been able to go one mile in them every week until today when I did three and felt great.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you love your Vibrams. Right now I only like mine. But I love you!
